Olaf B. Paulson
Senior Researchers

- Position:
- Professor Emeritus, MD, DMSc
Dept. Neurology and Neurobiology Research Unit,
Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet,
Building 8057,
Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark -
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 2027 8510
Curriculum vitae
- Curriculum vitae
Education and academic degrees:
BSc (Mathematics and Physics) from University of Copenhagen 1961. MD from University of Copenhagen 1966. Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (US) 1966. Board certified in neurology 1974. DMSc (dr.med.) from Univ. Copenhagen 1970.
Present appointments:
Professor Emeritus of Neurology, University of Copenhagen; Consultant, Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshospitalet (www.nru.dk).
Previous appointments:
1966-76 Appointments at University Hospitals in Copenhagen, interrupted by one year's appointment, 1972/73, as Senior Resident in neurology at the Mayo Clinic, USA.
1975-2022 Consultant in Neurology at Rigshospitalet (Chairman 1979-94), Affiliated the departments Neurobiology Research Unit from its establishment in 1996 (chairman 1996 to 2004).
1979-2022 Professor of Neurology, University of Copenhagen (Associate 1982-1984).
1995-2012 Consultant at the Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen (Chairman 1995-2010).
Selected Scientific and Academic Activities, Positions of Trust:
Related to the University of Copenhagen and Rigshospitalet
Chairman of the Medical Council at Rigshospitalet 1981-86. Chairman of the department of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychiatry, University of Copenhagen 1994-2007. Member of the Health Research Ethics Committee for the Capital Region of Denmark 2015-. Member of the Research Ethical Committee for Science and Health of the University of Copenhagen 2019-.
Related to national and international societies
Member of the board of directors of the Danish Society for Neuroscience 1984-2005, President 1997-2000, Secretary 2000-05. President of the Danish Neurological Society 2006-2009. Has been co-editor in chief of the Eur J Clin Invest; member of the editorial board of J Cereb Blood Flow Metab and of Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev; referee for several journals; member of the review committees for the European Biomed II and Biotech programs; council member of the European Society for Clinical Investigation; council member and chairman of the Scandinavian Neurological Association; council member of the European Neurological Society; council member of the Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 1989-93, and 1997-2003, president 1999-2001, chairman of the society's Program Committee 1991-93 and president of its biennial meeting in 1999. Chairman of the local organizing committee of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology meeting in Copenhagen 2004.Member of several review committees for the European Commission , and for several countries in Europe and overseas. Adjudicate at several thesis and committees for professorship.
Research, international collaboration, supervisor and leader function:
The research, initiated in the 1960's dealt with cerebral circulation and transport across the blood-brain barrier. During the last decades brain imaging using SPECT, PET and MR has been the main research teams.
Supervised more than 25 young investigators with their thesis.
Has received major national and international funding. International collaboration with several institutes in Europe, USA and Japan through the years.Honours:
Monrad-Krohn Prize for Neurological Research, 1988, University of Oslo, Norway.
General Consul Ernst Carlsens Foundations Prize 1997, Copenhagen.
Niels A. Lassen Prize 2000, Copenhagen.
William Nielsen Foundation, 2002, Sorø, Denmark.
The Lundbeck Foundations Nordic Award for Outstanding Research, 2003, Denmark.
The Mogens Fog Honorary Price, 2004, Denmark.
The Danish Alzheimer Research Foundation research award, 2012.
Mayo Clinic Distinguished Alumni Award, Rochester, MN, USA, 2013.
The International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism’s Lifetime Achievement Award 2015.Member of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2000.
Knight of Dannebrog 1993, and of its first degree 2005.
Honorary member of the Danish Society for Neuroscience from 2005, and of the Danish Neurological Society from 2018.Podcast:
Videnskabens Vidner (in Danish): https://open.spotify.com/episode/1k4U9zdq2GVH8pUX3XmSwV
Author/co-author on 732 publications of which 433 have been indexed in PubMed. >34.000 citations, H-index 102 (Google: https://scholar.google.dk/citations?user=SAuaHZ0AAAAJ&hl=en).
PubMed search string: Paulson-O[Author] OR (Knudsen-LL AND Klinken-L AND Gjerris-F) NOT "1952"[Date - Publication]
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7712-8596
Editor/author of main Danish textbooks of neurology.Selected papers:
- Paulson OB. Regional cerebral blood flow in apoplexy due to occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Neurology (Minneap) 1970;20:63-77.
- Paulson OB, Parving H-H, Olesen J, Skinhøj E. Influence of carbon monoxide and of hemodilution on cerebral blood flow and blood gases in man. J Appl Physiol 1973;35:111-6.
- Paulson OB, Hertz MM, Bolwig TG, Lassen NA. Filtration and diffusion of water across the blood-brain barrier in man. Microvasc Res 1977;13:113-24.
- Hertz MM, Paulson OB. Transfer across the human blood-brain barrier: Evidence for capillary recruitment and for a paradox glucose permeability increase in hypocapnia. Microvasc Res 1982;24:364-76.
- Paulson OB, Newman EA. Does the release of potassium from astrocyte endfeet regulate cerebral blood flow? Science 1987;237:896-8.
- Larsson HBW, Stubgaard M, Frederiksen JL, Jensen M, Henriksen O, Paulson OB. Quantitation of blood-brain barrier defect by magnetic resonance imaging and gadolinium-DTPA in patients with multiple sclerosis and brain tumors. Magn Reson Med 1990;16:117-31.
- Paulson OB, Strandgaard, Edvinsson L. Cerebral autoregulation. Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev 1990;2:161-92.
- Kuschinsky W, Paulson OB. Capillary circulation in the brain. Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev 1992;4:261-86.
- Law I, Svarer C, Rostrup E, Paulson OB. Parieto-occipital cortex activation during self-generated eye movements in the dark. Brain 1998;121:2189-2200.
- Kim S, Rostrup E, Larsson HBW, Ogawa S, Paulson OB. Determination of relative CMRO2 from CBF and BOLD changes: Significant increase of oxygen consumption rate during visual stimulation. Magn Reson Med 1999;41:1152-61.
- Born AP, Law I, Lund TE, Rostrup E, Hanson LG, Wildschiødtz G, Lou HC, Paulson OB. Cortical deactivation induced by visual stimulation in human slow-wave sleep. Neuroimage 2002;17:1325-35.
- Pedersen TF, Paulson OB, Nielsen AH, Strandgaard S. Effect of nephrectomy and captopril on autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2003;285:1097-104.
- Christensen MS, Lundbye-Jensen J, Geertsen SS, Petersen TH, Paulson OB, Nielsen JB. Premotor cortex modulates somatosensory cortex during voluntary movements without proprioceptive feedback. Nat Neurosci. 2007 Apr;10(4):417-419.
- Sidaros A, Engberg AaW, Sidaros K, Liptrot MG, Herning MG, Petersen P, Paulson OB, Jernigan TL, Rostrup E. Diffusion tensor imaging during recovery from severe traumatic brain injury and relation to clinical outcome: a longitudinal study. Brain 2008;131:559-72.
- Paulson OB, Hasselbalch SG, Rostrup E, Knudsen GM, Pelligrino D. Cerebral blood flow response to functional activation. J Cerebral Blood Flow Metab. 2010;30:2-14.
- Jorgensen A, Magnusson P, Hanson LG, Kirkegaard T, Benveniste H, Lee H, Svarer C, Mikkelsen JD, Fink-Jensen A, Knudsen GM, Paulson OB, Bolwig TG, Jorgensen MB. Regional brain volumes, diffusivity, and metabolite changes after electroconvulsive therapy for severe depression. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2016;133:154–164.
- Vedel AG, Holmgaard F, Rasmussen LS, Langkilde A, Paulson OB, Lange T, Thomsen C, Olsen PS, Ravn HB, Nilsson JC. High-Target vs Low-Target Blood Pressure Management During Cardiopulmonary Bypass to Prevent Cerebral Injury in Cardiac Surgery Patients - A Randomized Controlled Trial. Circulation. 2018;137(17):1770-1780.
- Paulson OB, Schousboe A, Hultborn H. The history of Danish neuroscience. Eur J Neurosci. 2023 Aug;58(4):2893-2960.