Cover page of this year's first issue of Ugeskrift for Læger published Jan 11th, 2016. The beautiful image of a "Brain on fire" is made by PhD student Per Jensen from NRU, and it shows a 3D representation of the brain of a patient with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis imaged with the SPECT tracer [123I]CLINDE. The image supports the recent paper Blaabjerg M, Mærsk-Møller CC, Kondziella D, Somnier F, Celicanin M, Andersen H, Bach FW, Pinborg LH. Workup and treatment of autoimmune encephalitis. Ugeskr Laeger. 2015 Nov 2;177(45) which was co-authored by NRU senior researcher Lars Pinborg.
The [123I]CLINDE-SPECT scan has been acquired at the SPECT laboratory at NRU as part of the INMiND (Imaging of Neuroinflammation In Neurodegenerative Disease) project which is a large international project supported by the EU 7th Framework since 2012. The purpose of INMiND is to identify mechanisms linking neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration and to make this knowledge useful in a clinical context for the benefit of neurological and psychiatric patients. NRU is involved in several work packages from the cellular level to TSPO imaging using [123I]CLINDE SPECT in neurological patients, and from training activities to dissemination of knowledge.
Ugeskrift for Læger (English: Weekly Journal for Physicians) is the most important Danish medical journal. It comes out every second week, is written in Danish, and publishes original research, news, debate, job ads, etc. The journal was established in 1839 and has been published continuously ever since. The first online version of the journal was published in 1999.