- Data Science Initiative from Novo Nordisk Fonden - 10 mio DKK for 'The OpenNeuroPET Archive - A Molecular Neuroimaging Archive' - Gitte Moos Knudsen.
- Post doc stipend from the Research Fund of the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Copenhagen - 1.65 mio DKK for 'Serotonergic neurotransmission in schizophrenia' - Sofi da Cunha-Bang.
- PhD stipend from the Research Fund of the Mental Health Services - Capital Region of Copenhagen - 2 mio DKK for 'Brain neuroplasticity in response to drug treatment of major depressive disorder' - Kristian Reveles Jensen.
- Research equipment from Svend Andersen Fonden - 900,000 mio DKK for new equipment for the NRU experimental lab - Gitte Moos Knudsen.
- Scholar stipend from Novo Nordisk Fonden - 150,000 DKK for' Neuroplasticity in the human brain following acute ischemic stroke' - Gitte Moos Knudsen (student: Elisabeth Buck Pedersen).
- Scholar stipend from Novo Nordisk Fonden - 150,000 DKK for'The role of serotonin in compulsive behaviour in humans: Underlying brain mechanisms' - Gitte Moos Knudsen (student: Anna Søndergaard).
- Scholar stipend from Danish Society for Neuroscience - 140,000 DKK for'The role of serotonin in compulsive behaviour in humans: Underlying brain mechanisms' - Gitte Moos Knudsen (student: Ida Likaj Klausen).
- Scholar stipend from Danish Psychiatric Society - 140,000 DKK for'Inflammation and serotonergic neurotransmission: Pathophysiological implications for major depressive disorder' - Vibe Gedsø Frøkjær (student: Mette Clausen).
- Scholar stipend from RH - 110,000 DKK for'Neuropharmacological investigations of psilocybin-induced headache – a [11C] Cimbi-36] PET study' - Gitte Moos Knudsen (student: Inger Marie Sørensen).
- Research grant from Ivan Nielsen Fond for personer med specielle sindslidelser - 93,000 DKK for 'The role of sex-steroids in major depressive disorder: Mapping brain and biomarker signatures of peripartum transition, hormone sensitivity, and reversibility by short-term estradiol' - Vibe Gedsø Frøkjær
- Research grant from The Danish Association of Midwives - 50,000 DKK for 'Maternal Mental Health (MAMA) Study. Kortvarig behandling med østrogen som forebyggende strategi mod post partum depression hos kvinder i høj risiko' - Stinne Høgh
- Scholar stipend from the Novo Scholarship Programme - 42,000 DKK for 'Comparison of prospective and retrospective motion correction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brain' - Hannah Eichhorn
Several new grants to NRU
We are very delighted to announce that NRU has received several generous grants here in December 2020:
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