We are immensely proud to announce that three research projects with NRU involvement have recently been supported by large grants from Independent Research Fund Denmark | Medical Sciences (FSS). The three grants total more than 11 million DKK. Congratulations to Professor Vibe Frøkjær, senior researcher Sofi da Cunha-Bang and Professor Martin Balslev Jørgensen.
The three funded projects are:
Clinical translation and brain plasticity properties of serotonin 4 receptor agonism: an antidepressant and pro-cognitive target (DFF thematic project 2) - Vibe Gedsø Frøkjær - 4.429.460 DKK
Serotonin and dopamine neurotransmission in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (DFF thematic project 1) - Sofi da Cunha-Bang - 2.264.904 DKK
Cognition and Brain Biomarkers and Determinants of Treatment Trajectory and Outcomes in First-Episode Depression (DFF thematic project 2) - Martin Balslev Jørgesen - 4.422.902 DKK