Congratulations to Gitte Moos Knudsen and Matthias Herth who have been part of a successful proposal for the EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND research) entitled "Framework for Innovative Multi-tracer molecular Brain Imaging (IMBI) to enable multi-centre trials and image evaluation in (early) neurodegenerative diseases". The proposal has received 49.900 € in funding for establishing an international working group with key experts from the field of PET imaging in neurodegenerative diseases (ND) with the aims:
  • to harmonise
    • multi-tracer PET protocols for multi-centre studies;
    • PET acquisition and quantification of innovative molecular radiotracers;
    • PET studies during various ND disease stages (early disease, therapy follow-up);
  • to harmonise the correlation of PET findings with soluble biomarkers and “omics” data
  • to coordinate work with other WGs on imaging/clinical trials in ND patients.
The hypothesis of the working group is that by employing innovative PET molecular markers and improving the use of established PET ligands, it will be possible to image the hallmarks of ND at various disease stages, which will provide novel information on the ND course. This will enable both early disease detection and personalised implementation of ND modifying therapies.