
The Neuro-Irv and Helga Cooper Foundation Open Science Prizes Selection Committee has awarded the 2023 International Prize to The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS), a data standard to support the global neuroimaging community. This award recognizes projects, services, tools, and platforms that unlock the power of Open Science in neuroscience to advance research and collaboration for the benefit of all. The prize comes with $25,000 CAD in salary-support funds and $55,000 CAD in unrestricted research funds.

The Prize Selection Committee was unanimous in its praise and support of BIDS for standardizing neuroimaging data with a community-driven approach, which has led to its widespread adoption. BIDS has proven instrumental in many data sharing initiatives worldwide and has set an example for other standards. The Committee was further impressed with the attention paid to the neuroscience community as a whole, and the continuous work towards expanding BIDS to more data modalities.

The award will be presented on November 30th at the 5th Open Science in Action Symposium, held at The Neuro in Montreal.