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NRU Management Group


Gitte Moos Knudsen
Chair, Professor, MD, DMSc
Dept. Neurology and Neurobiology Research Unit,
Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet,
Building 8057,
Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
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3545 6720

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic degrees:

MD from University of Copenhagen in 1984. Board certified user of radioisotopes in 1986. FMGEMS exam (US) in 1989. Board certified in neurology in 1994. DMSc (dr.med.) from University of Copenhagen in 1994.

Research focus:

I am a translational neurobiologist and clinical neurologist; my research aims to answer pertinent and basic questions regarding human brain disease mechanisms and predict brain responses to neuromodulatory interventions. For this purpose, we use PET brain scanning to image brain receptors and receptor occupancy, and fMRI to evaluate drug effects on the brain hemodynamic response as well as the brains regional interactions, i.e., functional connectivity. In our precision medicine alliance BrainDrugs we aim to identify which features can form a basis for decisions regarding the right treatment for the right patient with either major depressive disorder or epilepsy.

Present appointments:

Chief neurologist at Dept of Neurology since 1999. From 2004, chairman at the Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshospitalet and professor in Clinical Neurobiology at the Univ. Copenhagen.

Previous appointments:

Visiting scientist at NIH and at Stony Brook, USA (1985-90), and at Institute of Physiology, Bonn, Germany (1988-89). Visiting professor at MGH Harvard, Boston (2011-12). Clinical education has predominantly taken place at Rigshospitalet and has been interspersed by a three years appointment as research fellow (1986-1989) at the Dept. of Neurology, and by maternal leave in 1989, 1992, and 1995. Appointed as research professor in Neurobiology and chief neurologist in 1999. Professor of Neurology at University of Copenhagen 2005-2006 and of Neurobiology from 2004. Director of Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (Cimbi), 2006-16; based on a €11 mio grant donation from the Lundbeck Foundation to establish a neuroscience center. Director of Center for Experimental Medicine Neuropharmacology (NeuroPharm), 2015-22; based on a €2.1 mio grant donation from the Innovation Fund Denmark.


Leader of Neurobiology Research Unit (NRU) at Rigshospitalet since 2004. NRU encompasses around 120 staff members and affiliates, publishes around 60 peer-reviewed papers per year and has an annual budget of roughly $5 mio (€3.5 mio).
PI of the strategic alliance BrainDrugs since 2019, based on a Lundbeck Foundation grant of 2.1 mio €.

Positions of trust, reviews for journals, teaching, etc.:

Scientific Secretary 2001-05 of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism; President of the Danish Society for 2010-12; of the Scientific Ethics Committee for Copenhagen and Frederiksberg from 1998-2002; of the Research Council of the Medical Faculty at Univ. Copenhagen 1999-2005; Chairman for the steering group for research laboratories at RH from 1999; Scientific Advisory Board Member, Health Science Faculty, Univ. of Lund 2007-11, and the Danish Council for Strategic Research 2009-14.

Member of the EU commissions Expert Panel for evaluation of research applications, Brussels, in 1999, 2000, 2005, 2013 and 2018, for the Norwegian Research Council 2006-7, Danish Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Research Committee 2007-9, and Swedish Research Council and VINNOVA 2005-2008 and 2015. Member of the Danish Health Advisory Group for the EU 7th Framework Program 2009-12. Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation since 2021.

Field Editor at the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2013-21. Member of the Board of Directors of the Brain Prize 2013-17 and of the Brain Prize Council since 2017. Scientific advisor for the Kristian G. Jebsen Foundation, Norway 2014-22. Board member of the Elsass Foundation since 2015. Executive Committee of European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) from 2010, currently Past-president. Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for The Human Brain Project, 2017-23. Scientific partner in E-BRAINS. Member of the International Evaluation Committee of the Academic Medical Center of the Univ. of Amsterdam 2011-16, of the Presidential Commission for the Max Planck Institute for psychiatry, Munich, 2019-21 and of the Scientific Advisory Board of IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute), Barcelona, 2020-24.

Within the last 3 years, medical consultant for the following companies: Abbvie, Onsero, Pangea Botanica, Gilgamesh, and Seaport.

Teaching of pregraduate medical students and organizer of international courses for postgraduates. Examiner at PhD and DMSc theses in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, UK, and Sweden. Expert evaluator of professorship applications at Uppsala Univ. 2021.

Research, international collaboration, supervisor:

DMSc (dr.med.) thesis defended in 1994, title: 'Application of the double-indicator technique for measurement of blood-brain barrier permeability in humans'. The research has predominantly dealt with aspects of blood-brain barrier transport, and cerebral hemodynamics, and with molecular brain imaging.

International collaboration within the EUREKA Program (Dopimag EU1836) (1998-2000); the EU Program (COST) (1999-2000). Coordinator of EU Fifth Framework program on "Neuroreceptor mapping in patients with mild cognitive impairment", 2001-6. Member of the steering group of EU 6th Framework Network of Excellence DiMI (2005-10). EU 7th Framework program EURIPIDES (2007-12), InMIND (2011-17), PET-AlphaSy (2018-22), Serotonin and Beyond (2021-), and GoodVibes (2023-). Co-PI on NIHM Brain Initiative OpenNeuroPET ($4.4 M).

Since 1999 supervised a total of 35 PhD-students who have defended their PhD degree. My research institute supervises about 30 national and international pregraduate and PhD students every year.


Mogens Fog Prize 1993 (lecture competition) of the Danish Neurological Society
Synthelabo Recherche Award 1994 of the Société de Circulation et Métabolism du Cerveau, France
Anne Bochardt Prize 1999 awarded by the Medical Society in Copenhagen
Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2004
William Ottesen & Wife's Foundation 2008
Monrad Krohn Prize, Oslo, Norway 2010
Lassen Prize, 2011
Carlsberg Foundation Researcher Award for Sciences, 2014
Adjunct professor at the University of Vienna, Austria, 2016
Kuhl-Lassen Award 2024, Society for Nuclear Medicine and Imaging


Published more than >520 Medline indexed scientific papers and reviews as well as 29 books/book chapters - PubMed-search.
GoogleScholar: H-index: 83, Citations: >28,000.
Web of Science: H-index: 70, Citations: >20,800.
ResearcherID: C-1368-2013
ORCID-ID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1508-6866

Selected papers:
  • Svarer C, Madsen K, Hasselbalch SG, Pinborg LH, Haugbøl S, Frøkjær VG, Holm S, Paulson OB, Knudsen GM. MR-based automatic delineation of volumes of interest in human brain PET-images using probability maps. NeuroImage 2005;24:969-79
  • Fisher PM, Madsen MK, Mc Mahon B, Holst KK, Andersen SB, Laursen HR, Hasholt LF, Siebner HR, Knudsen GM. Three-week bright-light intervention has dose-related effects on threat-related corticolimbic reactivity and functional coupling. Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Aug 15;76(4):332-9
  • Mc Mahon B, Andersen SB, Madsen MK, Hjordt LV, Hageman I, Dam H, Svarer C, da Cunha-Bang S, Baaré W, Madsen J, Hasholt L, Holst K, Frokjaer VG, Knudsen GM. Seasonal difference in brain serotonin transporter binding predicts symptom severity in patients with seasonal affective disorder. Brain. 2016 May;139(Pt 5):1605-14
  • Beliveau V, Ganz M, Feng L, Ozenne B, Højgaard L, Fisher PM, Svarer C, Greve DN, Knudsen GM. A High-Resolution In Vivo Atlas of the Human Brain's Serotonin System. J Neurosci. 2017 Jan 4;37(1):120-128
  • da Cunha-Bang S, Hjordt LV, Perfalk E, Beliveau V, Bock C, Lehel S, Thomsen C, Sestoft D, Svarer C, Knudsen GM. Serotonin 1B receptor binding is associated with trait anger and level of psychopathy in violent offenders. Biol Psychiatry. 2017 Aug 15;82(4):267-274
  • Hansen HD, Mandeville JB, Sander CY, Hooker JM, Catana C, Rosen BR, Knudsen GM. Functional characterization of 5-HT1B receptor drugs in nonhuman primates using simultaneous PET-MR. J Neurosci. 2017 Nov 1;37(44):10671-10678
  • Madsen MK, Fisher PM, Burmester D, Dyssegaard A, Stenbæk DS, Kristiansen S, Johansen SS, Lehel S, Linnet K, Svarer C, Erritzoe D, Ozenne B, Knudsen GM. Psychedelic effects of psilocybin correlate with serotonin 2A receptor occupancy and plasma psilocin levels. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Jun;44(7):1328-1334
  • Johansen A, Armand S, Plavén-Sigray P, Nasser A, Ozenne B, Petersen IN, Keller SH, Madsen J, Beliveau V, Møller K, Vassilieva A, Langley C, Svarer C, Stenbæk DS, Sahakian BJ, Knudsen GM. Effects of escitalopram on synaptic density in the healthy human brain: a randomized controlled trial. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Oct;28(10):4272-4279
  • Köhler-Forsberg K, Dam VH, Ozenne B, Sankar A, Beliveau V, Landman EB, Larsen SV, Poulsen AS, Ip CT, Jørgensen A, Meyer M, Stenbæk DS, Eiberg HRL, Madsen J, Svarer C, Jørgensen MB, Frokjaer VG, Knudsen GM. Serotonin 4 receptor brain binding in Major Depressive Disorder and association with memory dysfunction. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 1;80(4):296-304
  • Johansen A, Beliveau V, Colliander E, Raval NR, Dam VH, Gillings N, Aznar S, Svarer C, Plavén-Sigray P, Knudsen GM. An In Vivo High-Resolution Human Brain Atlas of Synaptic Density. J Neurosci. 2024;44:1-9