The migraine project is an ongoing PhD project run by Marie Deen Christensen in a joint effort between Neurobiology Research Unit and the Danish Headache Center at Rigshospitalet, Glostrup, as part of the third work package (WP3) in NeuroPharm. In the project brain levels of serotonin are investigated in episodic and chronic migraine patients by [11C]SB207145-PET imaging, with the aim to show a possible association between the level of serotonin in the brain and the severity of migraine.
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Congratulations to cand. psych. Christian Gaden Jensen who Monday Nov 23rd successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Critical Investigations of Two Meditation Based Stress Reduction Programs and of Mindfulness as a Predictor of Mental Health in the Population".
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In a recent DR3 program called "Kærestesorgens DNA" PhD student Dea S. Stenbæk and psychology student Nanna Hansen performed neuropsychological assessments of three people who have donated their heartbreaks to science to find out what happens to us, from the brain to the heart, when we have lovesickness. The program can be seen here (start at 10:34 min.)
Also recently, medical research year student Annette Johansen and project nurse Lone Freyr participated in "Videnskabsmagasinet" on DR3 in a program about drugs. This program is freely available here (start at 3:39 min.).
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Today, the Neurobiology Research Unit (NRU) has reached a significant milestone with a total of 500 peer-reviewed publications!
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Today the new NRU homepage has been launched. Hopefully you will enjoy the new clean and more up-to-date design!
All relevant content from the old homepage has been moved to the new. If you come across errors or things that are missing on the new page, just send Peter a mail.
The internal part of the page, NRU Intra, is only accessible for NRU employees, and log-in happens automatically when accessing the page from the NRU network. Employees accessing the page from outside of NRU can easily log-in to the NRU Intra by typing in their NRU username and password.
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