NRU will take part in the new Center for Discoveries in Migraine (CDM), which is a new Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and headed by NRU collaborator Prof. Messoud Ashina.
CDM aims to answer the overarching research question: “What neurobiological mechanisms initiate and terminate migraine attacks?”, and we look forward to contributing to finding the answers.
We congratulate Messoud on this fantastic grant.
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We are immensely proud to announce that NRU PhD-student Drummond McCulloch has been awarded the Lundbeck Foundation Talent Prize 2024.
With this prize, The Lundbeck Foundation seeks to celebrate talented young scientists who are dedicated and passionate about research. The prize is DKK 300.000, and the amount is split between a personal prize of DKK 100.00 and DKK 200.000 for research activities.
Read more here at the Lundbeck Foundation website:
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It is with great pleasure that we can announce that our collaborator Prof. Russell Poldrack, Department of Psychology & Head of the Center for Open and Reproducible Science, Stanford University, United States has been awarded Rigshospitalet's International KFJ Award 2024.
We have for several years collaborated with Russ through our joint program OpenNeuroPET and with NRU scientists Melanie Ganz-Benjaminsen and Cyril Pernet spearheading this. Moreover, former NRU PhD student, Martin Nørgaard, who was a postdoc in Russ’ laboratory at Stanford and is now an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at NRU/DIKU also serves as a link and we have ten joint publications emerging from this exciting collaboration.
Russ Poldrack is a cognitive neuroscientist and data scientist, with 249 registered publications on PubMed, an exponential growth of per-year citations in Google Scholar and an h-index of 138. His group has made important contributions to the basic understanding of how decision making and executive control are implemented in the human brain. He is also one of the world’s leading experts in data sharing and open science within biomedical research, and has developed a number of widely used open-source tools for data analysis and sharing. In addition, Poldrack has exceptional personal, managerial and collaborative skills. For several decades, Poldrack has been one of the most engaging, influential, and productive individuals within the field of brain imaging and data science, and his group at Stanford University is internationally recognized as one of the best groups within functional brain imaging that addresses the “reproducibility crisis” in science by advocating for good research practices such as data sharing, reproducible data analysis and open science. His group has been at the forefront of developing standards for the organization and sharing of large datasets that can facilitate mega-analyses across research centers and hospitals, ensuring robust and generalizable scientific findings. He has authored a widely used Handbook for fMRI Data Analysis, and three books for broad audiences, including “The New Mind Readers” that explains the power and limitations of neuroimaging for non-experts. Poldrack has also worked to bring good research practices to scientists more broadly. He founded the Center for Open and Reproducible Science at Stanford (CORES) within the Stanford Data Science Center, whose mission is to develop and nurture transparency and reproducibility in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data across all domains of scientific activity. He has also written a widely-used introductory statistics book (“Statistical Thinking”) that includes an entire chapter on doing reproducible research.
RH-News about the award:
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Congratulations to Stinne Høgh who has received a travel grant of DKK 5,918 from Jordemoderforeningen for her participation at ECNP 2024 in Milan.
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Congratulations to Silvia Bruzzone for receiving DKK 62,000 for the project 'Fostering women's mental health by identifying markers of estrogen sensitivity to depressive episodes' and to Vibe Frøkjær for receiving 46.000 DKK for the project 'The brain basis of perinatal maternal hedonic health'.
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Congratulations to Prof. Vibe G. Frøkjær for receiving another scholarstipend worth 164.000 DKK from the Danish Society of Psychiatry/The Lundbeck Foundation. This time for medical student Mathilde Rasmussen who will work on the project 'Is maternal mental health status and brain serotonin markers in late pregnancy associated with placenta weight? A study on antenatal maternal factor’s effect on infant development'. The project will be conducted in the period Jun 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.
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The ECNP Networks Board has announced that the ECNP Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Psychedelics has been formally approved to become a new ECNP Network. Gitte Moos Knudsen will be chair of the Network, and Johan Lundberg from Karolinska will be co-chair.
Networks are financially supported by ECNP, initially for a three-year duration, after which the Board will decide if ECNP will continue to support the Network. If the extension is approved, the Network continues to receive support and is yearly evaluated by the Networks Board.
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Congratulations to Patrick Fisher for receiving a Lundbeck Foundation Investigators Network starting grant worth 150.000 DKK for the 1-year project 'PsilocyDyn: Acute psilocybin effects on brain multiscale time-varying functional connectivity'.
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Congratulations to Prof. Martin Balslev Jørgensen for receiving a scholarstipend worth 144.000 DKK from the Danish Society of Psychiatry/The Lundbeck Foundation for medical student Randi Thorbøll Kjær to work on the project 'The role of parental bonding in shaping the adult serotonergic brain architecture in healthy individuals and in depression' with Dr. Kristian Reveles Jensen as part of the BrainDrugs-Depression project.
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Congratulations to Gerda Thomsen for receiving 8.000 DKK in travel support from the Lundbeck Foundation for her participation at SNMMI 2024, Toronto.
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- Postdoctoral fellowship in the BRIDGE – Translational Excellence Programme
- 1-year introduction stipend from RH to Martin Prener
- AFSP early career award to Anjali Sankar
- Travel support from Rigshospitalet's Jubilæumsfond
- Two scholarstipends from Danish Society of Psychiatry
- Lundbeck Foundation postdoc fellowship
- Lundbeck Early-Career Clinician Scientist 2024
- Post doc grant from Rigshospitalet
- ECNP Excellence Award to Annette Johansen
- NRU research presented and awarded at Danish Society of Psychiatry annual meeting