We are happy to announce that Svend Andersen Fonden has granted 750.000 DKK for the purchase of a new High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system.
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Mikael Palner has received 16,500,000 DKK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) for a new preclinical simultaneous PET/MR to be installed in the brand new preclinical imaging core facility at the new SUND at SDU, which will open in 2024. We congratulate Mikael on the fantastic grant.
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NRU was represented among 82 poster- and 19 oral presenters at the Region Hovedstadens Psykiatris Forskningsdag 2023 by Vibe G. Frøkjær, Kristian R. Jensen, Younes Subhi, Kirstine Howe Andersen, Malthe Andersen, and Søren Vinther Larsen.
Søren was awarded first prize for best oral presentation for the presentation "Depression associeret til brug af hormonel prævention og risiko for fødselsdepression".
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It is with great pleasure that we can announce that NRU senior researcher Brice Ozenne continues his part-time affiliation with NRU through a new 5-year associate professor position at Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen.
Through our close collaboration with Section of Biostatistics, Brice has been affiliated with NRU for the last 8 years, first for five years as a post doc and then for the last 3 years as an assistant professor. With his clear expertise in biostatistics, Brice has contributed greatly to many of our studies and projects troughout the years, and we look very much forward to continuing our collaboration with him.
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We are very happy to announce that NRU senior researcher Lars Pinborg as of September 1st has been appointed clinical professor in neurology with special focus on epilepsy at University of Copenhagen.
As NRU senior researcher and chair of the Danish epilepsy surgery programme Lars has for many years conducted research within epilepsy and advanced imaging. His scientific focus area includes clinical epileptology, molecular and structural neuroimaging, drug resistance in epilepsy, and epilepsy surgery. So far his publication list includes >100 peer-reviewed articles, and on top of that he is also a very active lecturer, teacher and research advisor. Furthermore, Lars is deeply involved in our BrainDrugs research alliance where he is work package leader for WP4-Epilepsy and member of the Executive Board.
We look forward to following Lars' many exciting new research projects that aim to improve the treatment of people with epilepsy.
Danish portrait of Lars published on Righospitalet's webpage is available here: https://www.rigshospitalet.dk/presse-og-nyt/nyheder/nyheder/Sider/2023/september/ny-professor-epilepsi-er-meget-mere-end-anfald.aspx
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Congratulations to Sagar Sanjay Aripaka and Jens H. Mikkelsen for having their following paper from 2022 awarded with the Best Paper Award 2022/23 of the Brain and Spine Journal.
Aripaka SS, Bech-Azeddine R, Jørgensen LM, Mikkelsen JD. The expression of metalloproteinases in the lumbar disc correlates strongly with Pfirrmann MRI grades in lumbar spinal fusion patients. Brain Spine. 2022 Feb 5;2:100872
Handover of the award will take place during the annual EUROSPINE conference on 5th of October, 2023 in Frankfurt.
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Cyril Pernet takes part in a new EU project that recently got funded by a socalled HORIZON Lump Sum grant. The project is called "Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics" (in short SIESTA) and a small abstract can be found below.
The NRU share of the grant amounts to ~250.000 Euro.
Abstract: The FAIR principles provide a framework for enabling proper access and reusability of scientific data, and implementing them is a key goal of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). However, providing access to sensitive or confidential data while preserving privacy/confidentiality and usability for researchers is still an open question. Existing solutions like safe rooms, safe pods, or data safe havens are often challenging for the development of reproducible research and seem counter-intuitive when dealing with open science and FAIR principles. The SIESTA project aims to provide a set of tools, services, and methodologies for the effective sharing of sensitive data in the EOSC, following a cloud-based model and approach. SIESTA will provide user-friendly tools with the aim of fostering the uptake of sensitive data sharing and processing in the EOSC. The project will deliver trusted cloud-based environments for the management and sharing of sensitive data that are built in a reproducible way, together with a set of services and tools to ease the secure sharing of sensitive data in the EOSC through state-of-the-art anonymization techniques. The overall objective is to enhance the EOSC Exchange services by delivering a set of cloud-based trusted environments for the analysis of sensitive data in the EOSC demonstrating the feasibility of the FAIR principles over them.
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Vibe Frøkjær has received a scholar stipend of DKK 164.000 from Danish Society of Psychiatry/The Lundbeck Foundation for medical student Sarah Akobe to perform the project: 'Depressive symptoms in new mothers and early potential effects on infant cognitive, preverbal language, and motor development'.
Annette Johansen has received a travel grant from The Company of Biologists (GBP 600) for her participation at the ECNP meeting in Barcelona in October 2023.
Congratulations to both!
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Stinne Høgh has received a travel stipend from the Lundbeck Foundation to support her participation at the NFOG symposium in Trondheim August 2023. Congratulations to Stinne!
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Prof. Jens H. Mikkelsen has received 262.500 DKK from Alzheimer-forskningsfonden for the project "Synaptisk densitet i hjerner fra patienter med Alzheimers sygdom".
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- New DNS scholarstipend for NRU/Pinborg
- Scholarstipend grant from Aarhus University Research Foundation for the BrainDrugs-D project
- NRU annual report 2022
- Update of the NRU webpage
- Gender in Research Fellowship award for Kristian Reveles Jensen
- One year research stipend from Rigshospitalet to Kristian Larsen
- Grant from Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond
- Travel stipends x 2 from Rigshospitalets Jubilæumsfond
- Two tandem projects between NRU and Univ. CPH funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Scholarstipend grant from P. Carl Petersens fond for the BrainDrugs-D project